Wendy Zummer

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date September 09, 1965 (59 years)
  • Phone 7203234837
  • Address 3084 Palo Pkwy, Boulder, CO 80301, USA


Person Details

This person is fifty-nine years old, and their date of birth is 09/09/65.


Zummer's domicile is situated at 3084 Palo Pkwy, Boulder, CO 80301. Wendy Zummer owns a house located at this address. The address is situated at 40.043573 latitude, -105.252285 longitude on the map. Here are the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates for the address: 478478.71030499 (easting), 4432623.8977065 (northing), 13T (zone). This person calls the Palo Park home. The fair rent data provided by the HUD indicates that a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood costs $1,880. Boulder is the location of this person's residence. The price to rent two bedrooms in Boulder is $1,724.


Their phone number is 1-720-323-48-37. The phone number's type is Cell. The service provider for this phone number is T-Mobile USA Inc. The rate center for this telephone number is located in Denver. 6529 is the OSN code assigned to the phone's provider. The preferred way to format this phone number internationally is +1 (720) 323-4837.

Possible Connections

The address is shared by multiple occupants, including Shane Krohn, Ms. Roeske, Katherine Ann Roeske Zummer. It appears that George L Zummer Ii may be the person connected to the +1 (720) 323-4837 number, according to some sources. Individuals with the same name, Wendy Zummer, reside in Colorado.

Phone 1

+1 (720) 323-4837
  • Mobile operator T-Mobile USA, Inc.
  • Type Cell

Person connected by phone +1 (720) 323-4837 1


  • last updated on November 14, 2023 at 3:48 AM (PST)