Michelle Cohen

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date August 31, 1958 (66 years)
  • Phone 3035949541
  • Address 1300 Westview Dr, Boulder, CO 80303, USA


Person Details

Cohen's age is 66 and their dob is 08/31/58.


The address for this person is 1300 Westview Drive Boulder. The house at this address belongs to Ms. Cohen. The location is located at 40.011071 latitude and -105.195583 longitude. The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will help you find the location of the address are: 483307.78470165 (easting), 4429004.3100085 (northing), 13T (zone). The East Boulder is Michelle's place of residence. The fair rent data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that the cost of a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood is $1,800. This person's residence is situated in Boulder. It will cost you $1,724 to rent 2BR in Boulder.


303-5949-541 is associated with this person. The phone number is of the Cell type of telephone numbers. Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless - CO provides phone service for this phone number. The location of the rate center for this phone number is Denver. The Operating Company Number code 6567 belongs to the phone's provider. To write this phone number in the international standard format, use +1 (303) 594-9541.

Possible Connections

There are several other people living in the house, including Peter Cohen, Ms. Gilbert, Kevin Gilbert. Some records indicate that the 3035949541 number may be registered to Peter I Cohen. The name Michelle Cohen is shared by people residing in Colorado.

Phone 1

+1 (303) 594-9541
  • Mobile operator Cellco Partnership
  • Type Cell

Person connected by phone +1 (303) 594-9541 1


  • last updated on November 14, 2023 at 3:48 AM (PST)