Kenneth S Little

Acme, Pennsylvania
  Background search

General information

  • Phone 7244553852
  • Address 120 Spruce Ln, Acme, PA 15610, USA



This individual resides in a dwelling at 120 Spruce Ln, Acme, PA 15610. The location is located at 40.063536 latitude, -79.383125 longitude on the map. The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will help you locate the address are: 637891.14098681 (easting), 4436061.5926462 (northing), 17T (zone). A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood can be rented for $760, based on fair rent data from the HUD. Fayette is where this person calls home. The price for two bedroom rentals in Fayette is currently set at $940.


Kenneth has provided the following phone numbers for communication: 7244552449 or 724-4553-852. Some data about 7244552449. This phone number is classified as Landline. This phone number is serviced by Laurel Highland Telephone Co. telecommunication company. The rate center associated with this phone number is in Indianhead. 0179 is the OSN code that corresponds to the phone's provider. To write this phone number in the preferred international format, use +1 (724) 455-3852.

Previous Locations

255 Pineslope Rd, Acme, PA 15610 was the address they lived at before.

Possible Connections

Joshua Little and Sherry Little may be the possible owners of 7244552449 according to multiple sources.

Previous Addresses 1

255 Pineslope Rd, Acme, PA 15610

Phones 2

+1 (724) 455-2449
  • Mobile operator Laurel Highland Tel. Co.
  • Type Landline
+1 (724) 455-3852
  • Mobile operator Laurel Highland Tel. Co.
  • Type Landline

Extra 2

  • Occupation Clerical/white Collar
  • Education High School Graduate


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 9:23 AM (PST)