Dustin A Fenster

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date August 31, 1980 (44 years)
  • Address 3275 Endicott Dr, Boulder, CO 80305, USA


Person Details

Dustin Fenster is 44 and their birth date is 08.31.80.


Fenster resides in a dwelling at 3275 Endicott Dr, Boulder, CO 80305, USA. The coordinates 39.9745582 latitude and -105.2543299 longitude give the location of the address. The UTM/Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates that will help you locate the address are: 478282.4086937 (easting), 4424964.4008608 (northing), 13S (zone). This person is a member of the South Boulder neighborhood. Based on the fair rent data sourced from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it will cost $2,250 to rent a 2BR apt in this neighborhood. Boulder is the home of this individual. It will set you back $1,724 to rent two bedrooms in Boulder.

Possible Connections

There are several other occupants in the house, including Bob Dahl, Gamelyn Dykstra, Lee Stanley. The name Dustin A Fenster is shared by some residents of Colorado.


  • last updated on November 14, 2023 at 2:25 PM (PST)