Donna W Omata

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information


Person Details

Donna Omata is seventy-four and their date of birth is 1-08-50.


Donna's abode is located at 6810 Bugle Court Boulder. The house at this address is the residence of Donna W Omata. The location can be found at 40.057911 latitude, -105.1946789 longitude. You can find the address using these UTM coordinates: 483396.30871663 (easting), 4434202.9591821 (northing), 13T (zone). The Gunbarrel is this person's dwelling place. The cost to rent a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood, based on fair rent data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is $1,880. This individual resides in Boulder. To rent two bedrooms in Boulder, you'll need to pay $1,724.


If you need to get in touch with Ms. Omata, you can call either +1 (303) 530-2327 and 303-9318-712. An overview of 1-303-530-23-27. The phone number is a Landline type. This number is connected to Qwest Corporation. This phone number is connected to a rate center in Denver. The phone's provider has been assigned the OSN code 9636 to differentiate it from other providers. The standard format for writing this phone number internationally is +1 (303) 530-2327. The email address [email protected] is registered in Donna Omata's name.


Donna is recorded as the owner of parcel number 146314006001. The property ownership records for the parcel 146314006001 listed "OMATA DONNA W" as the owner.

Possible Connections

Ms. Omata and Ken K Omata are also residing at 6810 Bugle Court Boulder. Public records show a link between Omata and Marie L Johnson. Some records suggest that Ken K Omata may be the person connected to the 1-303-530-23-27 number. Several individuals named Donna W Omata reside in Maryland.

Phones 2

+1 (303) 530-2327
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 931-8712
  • Mobile operator T-Mobile USA, Inc.
  • Type Cell

Extra 2

  • Occupation Professional/technical
  • Education Graduate Or Professional Degree

Connected Parcel 1

Parcel ID: 146314006001

  • Owner NameOmata Donna W
  • Owner Address4278879


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:20 AM (PST)