Cory Dudley

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information



Cory's abode is located at 2039 11th St, Boulder, CO 80302. The latitude and longitude for the address are 40.018214 and -105.281734. The address can be located using the following UTM coordinates: 475957.64428468 (easting), 4429816.8078469 (northing), 13T (zone). Mr. Dudley is a local of the Downtown region. According to the fair rent data provided by the US United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, it will cost $1,970 to rent a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood. Boulder is the location of this person's residence. The cost of two bedroom rentals in Boulder comes to $1,724.


To communicate with Cory, call 1-303-594-64-75. The phone number is designated as a Cell number. The phone number's contract is with Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless - CO. This phone number's rate center is in Denver. 6567 is the OSN code that corresponds to the phone's provider. The international standard for this phone number is +1 (303) 594-6475. Cory is the designated user of [email protected].

Possible Connections

The address is home to several people, including Paige Cofrin, Mr. Cornwell, Graham Wyche. The name Cory Dudley is shared by multiple individuals living in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona.

Phone 1

+1 (303) 594-6475
  • Mobile operator Cellco Partnership
  • Type Cell


  • last updated on November 15, 2023 at 8:40 AM (PST)