Abigale Jane Stangl

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Phone 3034423343
  • Address 770 Lincoln Pl, Boulder, CO 80302, USA



Abigale Jane Stangl can be found living at 770 Lincoln Pl, Boulder, CO 80302, USA. The GPS coordinates of the address are 40.001345 latitude and -105.280737 longitude. You can find the address using these UTM coordinates: 476036.82737009 (easting), 4427944.238186 (northing), 13T (zone). The Central Boulder is Stangl's dwelling place. The cost to rent a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood, based on fair rent data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is $1,970. This individual calls Boulder home. The cost of two bedroom rentals in Boulder comes to $1,724.


3034423343 is Abigale's phone number. The phone number is a Landline type. The phone number's contract is with Qwest Corporation. The rate center linked to this phone number is in Denver. The Operating Company Number code 9636 is used to identify the phone's provider. The global format for this phone number is +1 (303) 442-3343.

Possible Connections

The address is home to multiple occupants, including Ana Bastian, Arvidas Donovan, Anne Donovon. There are allegations that Arvidas Donovan and Ms. Donovan own 1-303-442-33-43. There are several individuals with the same name, Abigale Jane Stangl, living in Colorado.

Phone 1

+1 (303) 442-3343
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:20 AM (PST)