Stephen K Savage

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date September 07, 1968 (56 years)
  • Email [email protected]
  • Phone 7207715841
  • Address 1397 S Cherryvale Rd, Boulder, CO 80303, USA


Person Details

This person is fifty-six years old, and their date of birth is September 07, 1968.


Stephen Savage's dwelling is at 1397 South Cherryvale Road Boulder. This person owns a house located at this address. The location of the address is marked on the map at coordinates 39.962098 latitude and -105.225846 longitude. Here are the UTM coordinates for the address: 480711.19001138 (easting), 4423574.8983158 (northing), 13S (zone). A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood will cost $1,800 to rent, according to fair rent data from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The county of Boulder is where this individual lives. To rent two bedrooms in Boulder, the cost is $1,724.


Stephen K Savage has a collection of 3 phone numbers, and 1-303-402-14-49 and +1 (720) 375-6981 are two of them. Data and facts about 303-4021-449. This is a Landline phone number. This phone number is serviced through Qwest Corporation. The rate center for this number is situated in Denver. 9636 is the Operating Company Number code that has been assigned to the phone's provider. The preferred international format for this phone number is +1 (720) 771-5841. Mr. Savage is the registered owner of the email address [email protected].


This person is the owner listed on the deed for parcel number 157716003001. Parcel 157716003001 was listed under the name of "SAVAGE STEPHEN K & JUDITH W" in the records.

Previous Locations

4260 Black Cherry Ct, Boulder, CO 80301 and 1485 Cassin Ct, Boulder are previous addresses for Stephen K Savage.

Possible Connections

The building is shared by a number of individuals, including Rex Bosley, Eleanor E Savage, Judith W Savage. The person listed as the owner of +1 (303) 402-1449 may not be the true owner of the number and the number belongs toJudy Walker and Kathryn A Savage. A total of 3 phone numbers have been linked to eight individuals, including Kathryn A Savage from Boulder and Kathryn A Savage, according to public records. Learn about other numbers that may be connected to this person below. Individuals with the same name, Stephen K Savage, reside in Colorado, New Mexico.

Previous Addresses 2

4260 Black Cherry Ct, Boulder, CO 80301

1485 Cassin Ct, Boulder, CO 80303

Phones 3

+1 (303) 402-1449
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (720) 375-6981
  • Mobile operator Commnet Wireless, LLC
  • Type Unknown
+1 (720) 771-5841
  • Mobile operator T-Mobile USA, Inc.
  • Type Cell

Extra 2

  • Occupation Professional/technical
  • Education Graduate Or Professional Degree

Connected Parcel 1

Parcel ID: 157716003001

  • Owner NameSavage Stephen K & Judith W


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:22 AM (PST)