Stephen Joseph Grooters

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date May 08, 1976 (48 years)
  • Phone 3036008277
  • Address 87 Bucknell Ct, Boulder, CO 80305, USA


Person Details

Stephen is 48 years old, and their dob is May 08, 1976.


Stephen's domicile is situated at 87 Bucknell Ct, Boulder, CO 80305. Stephen Joseph Grooters's residence is at this address. The coordinates of the address can be found at 39.991436 latitude and -105.256512 longitude. The address can be found at these UTM coordinates: 478101.46477854 (easting), 4426838.2030357 (northing), 13S (zone). The South Boulder is this individual's home. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development's fair rent data, the cost of renting a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood is $2,250. Boulder is the home of this person. The cost of two bedroom rentals in Boulder is currently $1,724.


This individual has a set of three phone numbers, and 1-303-600-82-77 or 1-303-658-21-94 are two of them. Details and information about 303-6008-277. The accepted way to write this phone number in international format is +1 (303) 600-8277.


157705318026 is registered in this individual's name. The name of the owner of the parcel 157705318026 was recorded as "GROOTERS STEPHEN & HEATHER".

Possible Connections

Ms. Grooters is one of the residents at this address. Heather Lynne Grooters has reached the age of 49. Some documents suggest that Ms. Grooters may be the real owner of the 303-6008-277 number. Individuals named Stephen Joseph Grooters are residents of Colorado, Michigan.

Phones 3

+1 (303) 600-8277
+1 (303) 658-2194
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Cell
+1 (303) 949-2647
  • Mobile operator Sprint Spectrum LP
  • Type Cell

Extra 1

  • Occupation Engineer

Connected Parcel 1

Parcel ID: 157705318026

  • Address87 BUCKNELL CT, BOULDER, CO 80305
  • Owner NameGrooters Stephen & Heather

Person connected by phone +1 (303) 600-8277 1

Person connected by phone +1 (303) 658-2194 1


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:21 AM (PST)