Jeffrey N Bronn

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information

  • Birthday Date June 19, 1949 (75 years)
  • Address 838 14th St, Boulder, CO 80302, USA


Person Details

Mr. Bronn is seventy-five years old and they were born on Jun 19, 1949.


Mr. Bronn resides in a home at 838 14th St, Boulder, CO 80302, USA. This individual has a house located at this address. The location of the address is marked on the map at coordinates 40.002565 latitude and -105.27459 longitude. The address can be located at the following UTM coordinates: 476561.9413852 (easting), 4428078.0120617 (northing), 13T (zone). Jeffrey N Bronn is a member of the Central Boulder community. The price to rent a two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood, as reported by the fair rent data from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, is $1,970. Boulder is the location of this person's residence. The price for two bedroom apartment rentals in Boulder is $1,724.

Possible Connections

Tanina Richard Davanzo, Christine Dickinson, James Dickinson are among the dwellers at this address. The name Jeffrey N Bronn is common among residents of Colorado, Connecticut.


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 1:20 AM (PST)