David A Walter

Boulder, Colorado
  Background search

General information


Person Details

David is 58 and their birth date is Jun 30, 1966. Other nicknames for this person include David Walter, David A Walter, David A Walters, David D Awalter.


This person calls 3373 Oneal Pkwy, Boulder, CO 80301 home. The house at this address is this person's. The geocoordinates of the address are 40.0337592 latitude and -105.2494578 longitude. The UTM coordinates that will help you locate the address are: 478716.83534909 (easting), 4431533.973404 (northing), 13T (zone). David Walter is a local of the Glenwood Grove - North Iris. A two bedroom apartment in this neighborhood will cost $1,880 to rent, according to fair rent data from the US United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Boulder is the home of this person. The price for two bedroom rentals in Boulder is currently $1,724.


You can get in touch with this person at either of these phone numbers: 3034441119 and 3034471198. Information about 3034441119. This is a Landline phone number. Qwest Corporation is the carrier for this phone number. The rate center associated with this telephone number is in Denver. The phone's provider has been given the OSN code 9636 to identify it among other providers. To write this phone number in the universal format, use +1 (303) 444-1119. To contact David A Walter, send an email to [email protected].


146320413001 is listed in this individual's name. The owner of the parcel 146320413001 was identified as "WALTER DAVID A".

Previous Locations

Mr. Walter has a varied residential history, with 6 prior addresses. These are the three addresses that are part of this individual's residential history: 1233 Sherman Dr, Longmont, CO 80501, 645 Manhattan Pl, Boulder and 370 #150, 6525 Gunpark Dr.

Possible Connections

Carmen Chatfield, Ms. Janssen, Stephen Thomas Kandl are just a few of the individuals who share the address. Jerold Russell Sampson (in 2000), April L Rood (between 1999 and 2000), and David were residents at 370, 6525 Gunpark Dr, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. The following individuals may be able to provide information about Mr. Walter. You can find several individuals with the name David A Walter living in Colorado.

Previous Addresses 6

1233 Sherman Dr, Longmont, CO 80501

Lived here at 2004

645 Manhattan Pl, Boulder, CO 80303

Lived here at 1995

370 #150, 6525 Gunpark Dr, Boulder

Lived from 1994 to 2000 6 years 3 months

3626 Broadway #1, Boulder, CO 80304

Lived from 1993 to 1994 1 year 2 months

6565 Gunpark Dr #150, Boulder, CO 80301

Lived from 1992 to 2000 7 years 11 months

2943 5th St, Boulder, CO 80304

Lived from 1980 to 2005 24 years 8 months

Phones 2

+1 (303) 444-1119
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline
+1 (303) 447-1198
  • Mobile operator Qwest Corp.
  • Type Landline


  • David Walter
  • David A Walter
  • David A Walters
  • David D Awalter

Lived Together at 3626 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 1

Connected Parcel 1

Parcel ID: 146320413001

  • Address3373 ONEAL PKWY 18, BOULDER, CO 80301
  • Owner NameWalter David A


  • last updated on November 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM (PST)